
The lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest
The lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest

  1. #The lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest update
  2. #The lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest series

The new characters and abilities bring some variety to proceedings and provide plenty of opportunities for experimentation so if you are after a light-hearted puzzler, then check this out. While the lack of any major changes does make the game feel less innovative than the first game, it is still definitely worth checking out as it remains highly enjoyable.

#The lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest update

The graphics and sound have received a bit of an update with some slick cutscenes to convey the bonkers plot, while levels themselves are brimming with colour and personality, and which display some highly inventive environments to explore. Apart from this, it's pretty much business as usual but that's no bad thing, as the puzzles and levels on display here are generally well designed and challenging. The main addition this time around is two new characters, Scorch the dragon and Fang the wolf who can attack enemies, climb walls or fly, while the abilities for the established characters are also updated, including a new turbo-jump and a bionic arm.

#The lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest series

The basic goal remains to get your team of Vikings through a series of side-scrolling levels by making use of their individual abilities to solve the various puzzles that you encounter, but who must be used in concert if you are to be successful. This time around, the plot sees out hapless heroes once again escaping from their nemesis Tomator on another epic journey through time. It retains the same general platform/puzzle gameplay of its predecessor but adds in a few new features to prevent the formula getting too stale. The original Lost Vikings was an entertaining little Lemmings-style puzzler which was imitated by the likes of the equally enjoyable Gobliiins series so it's great to see that this sequel largely lives up the established standards. Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely.Enjoyable sequel for fans of Lemmings and Gobliiins Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms.

the lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest

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  • the lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest

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    the lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest

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    The lost vikings 2 norse by norsewest